



How to install Eclipse to program in Java (Windows)

Learn the walkthrough to download and install Eclipse Java IDE on computers running the Windows x64 operating system.

The Eclipse IDE is undeniablyone of the best software for developing systems that exists. Although it was originally created to be a Java Development Environment, The Eclipse IDE supports a wide variety of other programming languages, such as C++, PHP, and Python.

Being easy to use, lightweight to install and fast to run, the software emerges from among the most used both for those who want to start learning to program as well as for those who have been working professionally for many years.

In this article we will teach you how to install Eclipse for Java Desktop development (the most common installation style for anyone learning to program in Java). All you will need is a computer with the Windows 64-bit operating system and the Java Development Kit (JDK).

If you are still unfamiliar with the features and possibilities of Java, visit this article where we explain the details of this powerful language.

But let’s get to the point!

Step 01 - Downloading the Java Development Kit (JDK)

Our website, provides you with an alternative link (button on the side) so that you can download the JDK more easily.

Our website, provides you with an alternative link (button below) so that you can download the JDK more easily.

If you prefer, you can click here and go to Oracle’s official website to download the JDK.

Etapa 02 - Instalando o Kit de Desenvolvimento Java (JDK)

Access the folder where the JDK file you just downloaded is located and run it to perform the installation.

The Application Installation window will open. The process is very simple. See the slide below for install eclipse steps.

After installation, verify that the JDK and JRE folders are properly installed. They are in the directory “Program Files” (within the C directory). The directory path is something like: “C:\Program Files\Java”.

Step 03 - Downloading the Eclipse IDE

Our website, provides you with an alternative link (button on the side) so that you can download Eclipse more easily.

Our website, provides you with an alternative link (button below) so that you can download Eclipse more easily.

If you prefer, you can click here and access the official Eclipse website to download it.

Step 04 - Installing the Eclipse IDE

Go to the folder where the Eclipse IDE file is located and run it to perform the installation.

The Application Installation window will open. The process is very simple. See the slide below for install eclipse steps.

Before the Eclipse IDE is initialized, a window will appear prompting you to choose the folder where the Java projects will be stored. Leave the default directory in the user folder and click the Launchbutton.

The Eclipse IDE will initialize and the welcome screen will be displayed. Click the symbol “x” (close) of the Welcome tab, in the upper left corner of the window, to close the welcome screen.

Step 05 - Creating a project and testing the Eclipse IDE

Finally, we will create a project and run a Java application, to make sure that the installation was successful.

Click the File > New > Java Project to create a new Java project.

A Java Project Creation window will open.
Enter a name in Project Name field, leave the other parameters unchanged and click the Finish buttom. The Java project will be created.

Now let’s create a Java class.
Click the File > New > Class option to create a new project in Java.

A Java class creation window will open.
Put the name “Main” in the Name field, leave the other parameters unchanged and click the Finish button.

The Java class will be created and will be shown, to the center of the screen, the editor with the code of class “” we just created.

Replace the code in the “Main.Java” class with the code described below. Then click on the button Run, on the IDE’s toolbar, to run the program.

1.public class Main {

2.     public static void main(String[] args) {

3.          System.out.println("");

4.     }


If the message “”appears in the console pane, it certainly means that everything is correct with the installation of Eclipse.

Therefore, the installation has been completed!

The Eclipse IDE is properly configured and prepared to develop your Java projects.

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