



Function: modularization

Function: modularization

Learn the technique of modularizing algorithms. The functions make it possible to divide the source code into separate modules.



Learn now how to manipulate large data sets. With arrays, you have the ability to manipulate multiple variables as if they were a single one.

Conditional structures

Conditional structures

What happens if you put one if-else structure inside the other? See the concept of nested if-else structures in this article.

For statement: repetition structure

For statement: repetition structure

Advance your knowledge in repetition structures. Learn how the “for statement”, the “continue” statement and the “break” statement work.

Algorithm: what is it?

Algorithm: what is it?

Do you know what an algorithm is? In this article you will learn in a way never seen before in free content! And we also offer exercises!

Variable: what is it?

Variable: what is it?

Learn the meaning of a programing variable. Understand how programming languages use them to store and process information.

Assignment operator

Assignment operator

Learn about the assignment operator, the simplest operator in programming. See how it is used to put information into variables.

Arithmetic operators

Arithmetic operators

Learn about the 2nd category of operators. See how arithmetic operators are used to perform mathematical calculations in programming.

Relational operators

Relational operators

Learn about the 3rd category of programming operators. See how relational operators are used to create conditional expressions.

Logical operators

Logical operators

Learn about the 4th category of programming operators. See how logical operators are used to create more complex conditional expressions.

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